I want to introduce myself in my first blog on Converging 360. As leader of the Project Management Area of practice for RMC Learning Solutions, I wear many hats within our organization. In addition to being a trainer, I am a speaker and presenter, subject matter expert, and curriculum developer. And as of today … I am also a Converging 360 blogger!

First of all, let me say that I am truly blessed. I was hired and mentored by Rita Mulcahy, and had the honor of working with her for 18 months.

Why I Became a PMP Instructor

When Rita interviewed me, she asked why I was an instructor and also worked a full-time job. I told her I found that teaching was a way for me to achieve my passion to give people the tools to make change. What I later learned was that Rita shared the exact same passion. The reason she started RMC was to share some of her passion by creating tools to help others make changes in their lives. To have had such a connection to Rita’s goals, to share an understanding and desire to instill change in others and to be able to now work in a career that allows me to share my goals with others through Converging 360 and RMC is a true joy.

My Goals as an Instructor

My goal is to give each of you the inspiration, the challenge, and the desire to start every day as another opportunity for change. Change starts from inside and is what we bring to our responsibilities in our organizations. Remember, change is not an overnight transformation; it’s a progressive stepped-process that we go through day-by-day. It is how we show up, what we do, and how we function to help our organization be its best as we continue to strive to be our best every day.

I hope that the information I share with you through this blog will serve as a reminder to use the tools and processes in Project Management, Business Analysis, and Agile that you’ve learned.  Let this information be a catalyst for change in your organization as well as your personal life.

I look forward to sharing topics with you, and I invite you to ask questions, and to share your thoughts and experiences with me.  Sharing your personal experiences may encourage others to take those steps needed for change.

Please take a moment to share an example of a change you have made in your organization.