Our seasoned instructors transcend mere theoretical discussions to thoroughly prepare you for certification exams. Employing established accelerated learning techniques, they incorporate a diverse array of innovative activities, exercises, games, and methods to facilitate quicker and easier comprehension of complex subjects. This approach ensures that you can effectively apply your newfound knowledge in your professional environment. Our catalog includes a wide range of self-paced eLearning courses, from an intensive PM Crash Course to foundational Business Analysis Fundamentals, allowing you to study comfortably at your own pace from home.
Skills-Based Project Management Courses
Advance your project management career with Rita Mulcahy’s popular online instructor-led training courses you can take to enhance your skill set. These project management classes are a convenient way to earn the professional development units (PDUs) required by PMI to maintain your certifications, or to earn the contact hours needed to qualify for a certification exam.
Risk Management Tricks of the Trade for Project Managers
There are currently no Risk Management Tricks of the Trade classes on the schedule. RMC updates its class schedule frequently so please check back.