
Upcoming Webinars

Improve communication on projects

RMC’s Project Management Knowledge and Skills Series
Breaking Down the PMP ECO Domains

Effective communication is a cornerstone of successful project management. In this webinar, we will explore various communication strategies, tools, and practical techniques for everyday use. We will discuss the significance of communication within the ECO framework, share three actionable tips you can implement immediately, and demonstrate how to apply this knowledge to prepare for the PMP® exam. Additionally, we will provide answers to any questions you may have.

    Join us for this FREE 1-hour webinar on Friday 26th July 2024.

    We will cover:

    • Communication strategies, tools, and techniques
    • Why communications is part of the ECO
    • 3 tips that you can use today
    • How to prepare for the PMP® exam
    • Your questions answered

    Bring questions as we will be answering them throughout the broadcast.

    Friday 26th July 2024. 11:00am – 12:00 PM (MDT)

    This webinar is eligible for 1 PDU (PDU claim instructions are shown during presentation)

    Managing the Intersection of Adaptive and Predictive Approaches

    RMC’s Project Management Knowledge and Skills Series
    Breaking Down the PMP ECO Domains

    As more and more industries introduce agile practices to their project management strategies, understanding how to assist and provide expertise will become increasing valuable. This session examines strategies and tactics to identify how and when to introduce agile practices to traditional
    project management projects as well as role assignments during this process. This session offers practical analysis and application for anyone interested increasing their engagement. Participants will be able to use these tools and resources on the job immediately.

    Join us for this FREE 1-hour webinar on Friday 23rd August 2024.

    We will cover:

    • Examine strategies and tactics to identify when to introduce hybrid practices to a traditional project management environment
    • Why agile and hybrid were added to the ECO
    • 3 tips you can use straight away in your role and with your colleagues, teams

    Bring questions as we will be answering them throughout the broadcast.

    Friday 23rd August 2024. 11:00am – 12:00 PM (MDT)

    This webinar is eligible for 1 PDU (PDU claim instructions are shown during presentation)

    Effectively communicating in challenging times

    RMC’s Project Management Knowledge and Skills Series
    Breaking Down the PMP ECO Domains


    Join us for this FREE 1-hour webinar on Friday 27th September 2024.

    Poor and inefficient communication is one of the primary sources of stress and energy depletion. Remarkably, 70% of workplace errors can be attributed to communication issues. This engaging presentation will offer participants the opportunity to explore and practice scientifically proven methods to:

    • Think with greater clarity from a more emotionally balanced and coherent standpoint, leading to optimal outcomes.
    • Cultivate more harmonious interactions, align team members, minimize stress and energy loss, and promote mutual respect among colleagues, team members, and family members.
    • Foster productive conversations that allow participants to communicate authentically, truly comprehend others, and effectively express their own viewpoints.
    • Additionally, attendees will receive handouts featuring “Quick Steps” to seamlessly implement the techniques they have acquired.

    Bring questions as we will be answering them throughout the broadcast.

    Friday 27th September 2024. 11:00am – 12:00 PM (MDT)

    This webinar is eligible for 1 PDU (PDU claim instructions are shown during presentation)

    Past PMP® and CAPM® Exam Webinars

    Taking the CAPM Exam Webinar

    Taking the CAPM® Exam: What You Need to Know
    Date Recorded: May 3, 2024

    Webinar: Taking The PMP Exam: What You Need to Know

    Taking the PMP® Exam: What You Need to Know
    Date Recorded: May 3, 2024

    Taking the PMP Exam Webinar

    Taking the PMP® Exam: What You Need to Know
    Date Recorded: April 5, 2024

    Past PMBOK® Guide, Seventh Edition Webinars

    PMBOK Guide Series Part 1

    PMBOK Guide®, 7th Edition Series, Part 1
    Date Recorded: September 16, 2021

    PMBOK Guide Webinar, Part 2

    PMBOK Guide®, 7th Edition Series, Part 2
    Date Recorded: October 21, 2021

    PMBOK Guide 7th Edition Webinar Part 3

    PMBOK Guide®, 7th Edition Series, Part 3
    Date Recorded: November 12, 2021

    Past Project Management Knowledge and Skills Series Webinars

    Leading with Insight: Emotional Intelligence Strategies for Change and Conflict

    Dealing with Difficult Stakeholders
    Date Recorded: June 14, 2024


    Leading with Insight: Emotional Intelligence Strategies for Change and Conflict
    The Importance of Knowledge Transfer for Innovation, Decision-making, and Collaboration
    Date Recorded: May 31, 2024


    Making PM Work in Agile Part 2

    Making a Project Manager Role Work in Agile Projects – Part 2
    Date Recorded: April 19, 2024

    Tailor Scope Webinar

    Making a Project Manager Role Work in Agile Projects
    Date Recorded: March 8, 2024

    Leading with Insight: Emotional Intelligence Strategies for Change and Conflict

    Leading with Insight: Emotional Intelligence Strategies for Change and Conflict
    Date Recorded: February 9, 2024